Demonstrations 2018
Paul Wheeler – January 2018
Rick Dobney – April 2018
Sue Harker – June 2018
Peter Hendry – July 2018
Gerry Marlow – December 2018
Gerry Marlow — Demonstrating turning a novel jewellery tray for rings and trinkets beginning with a cone creating a support stand and with a shallow tray. His current work was involving the use of a home made ROSE ENGINE .This was to be the decorating of the lid of a small box. The variety of adjustments was explained and the Club members showed a lot of interest with many questions. Gerry fascinated us further and showed us his skills in doing very small diameter spindle work. He had lots of examples to display and encouraged us to have a go!
We were delighted to ask Gerry to carry out the Judging for our Annual Competition which he did with due diligence. His decisions and critique were gratefully received.