Club Competitions and Award Winners

Club Competitions

Each year, usually in December, the Club runs a number of competitions. ‘Competition Day’ is usually coincident with the last Demonstration of the year and the demonstrator acts as the judge.

The competitions fall into two parts:

  1. The Bob Boyce Trophy where the type of piece to be entered changes each year and entries must conform to the specification. Each member may enter 2 pieces.
  2. The ‘Open’ Competition where there are no restrictions on the type or style of piece which may be entered – except that it must be largely turned – and again a member may enter 2 pieces. The difference here is that members compete in one of 3 ‘classes’: Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced depending on previous competition placings. Each year the Winner and Second Place member in the Beginner and Intermediate classes advance one level, i.e. to Intermediate and Advance respectively.

The Trophies for the 3 Open classes are:

Beginners:                  Doug Haig

Intermediate:             Gerry Yates   

Advanced:                  John Boyle

In all cases the Winner’s name is engraved on the Trophy and they become the custodian of the Trophy for the year to the next competition

In addition both Winner and Second receive a certificate and there is a cash prize of £20 for Winners and £10 for Second.

Bob Boyce Trophy

2016Spindle turningEric MannPeter Hendry
2017Vase or hollow formEric MannPaul Wheeler
2018A matched pairPaul WheelerStephen Hartley
2019Bowl or dish with lid or filialEric MannPaul Wheeler
2020no competition due to Covid
2021Bowl or platter with fruitEric MannStephen Hartley
2022Offset/ multi axis turned piecePaul WheelerRod Dinsdale
2023Decorated BowlMichael WatmoughClifford Clarke
2024Hollow Form VaseEric MannDennis Carr

Bob Boyce Challenge

Bob Boyce Challenge for the Club Competition on 28th November 2024

This year’s competition piece specification is:

A hollow form Vase made from a British Hardwood

The Vase does not have to be a single piece of timber but may be constructed from more than one (no limit) – but all must be of British hardwood.

Any form of decoration is allowed

Dimensions to be:

Height: min. 8” max. 11”

Diameter min. 4” max. 6”

Any questions or clarification required please ask a member of the Committee.

Doug Haigh Trophy – Beginners

2008Brian Selby
2009Mel Elcock
2010Peter Hendry
2011Colin Bell
2012John Shaw
2013Ed Mitchell
2014David Bedding
2015Steve JacksonMary Haigh
2016Stephen HartleyKevin Robertshaw
2017David BlackburnFrank Jubb
2018Gerry Van HeeRod Dinsdale
2019Lee MarklewRoger Campbell
2020 no competition due to Covid
2021Dennis CarrDennis Carr
2022no entries received
2023John ReillyJohn Reilly
2024Roger MalinskiJohn Mitchell

Gerry Yates Trophy – Intermediate

2009Graham Bowman
2010Clifford Clarke
2011Mick Watmough
2012Tony Canfer
2013Colin Bell
2014Brian Selby
2015John MarsayEd Mitchell
2016Steven JacksonDave Jones
2017Stephen HartleyDavid Bedding
2018Mary Haigh
2019Gerry Van HeeRod Dinsdale
2020 no competition due to Covid
2021Rod DinsdaleRod Dinsdale
2022Roger CampbellDennis Carr
2023No entries
2024Mel Elcock

John Boyle Trophy – Advanced

2008Les Eskritt
2009Robert Boyce
2010Eric Mann
2011Peter Hendry
2012Paul Wheeler
2013Eric Mann
2014Tony Canfer
2015Peter HendryEric Mann
2016Paul WheelerPeter Hendry
2017Peter HendryEd Mitchell
2018Eric MannPeter Hendry
2019Paul WheelerPeter Hendry
2020 no competition due to Covid
2021Peter HendryClifford Clarke
2022Stephen HartleyClifford Clarke
2023Clifford ClarkeDennis Carr
2024Clifford ClarkeClifford Clarke