Demonstrations 2022

Pete Osborn – April 2022

Oak wine glass stem with Captive rings – and a Wine bottle coaster to round off with … everything for the wine-conscious woodturner!

Pete Osborn

Colin Watson – ‘The Crazy Woodman’ – September 2022

Fascinating demonstration from Colin Watson aka The Crazy Woodman, of making Basket Illusion bowls and platters – a technique involving turning, pyrography and colouring that seems to require immense patience, accuracy and either good eyesight or a strong light and serious glasses!

Colin Watson

Mission Control
View from the back of ….. the backs of ….. the members

Colin Watson – ‘The Crazy Woodman’ – December 2022

A second visit of the year from Colin Watson aka The Crazy Woodman, as he kindly stepped in on very short notice when the booked demonstrator suddenly became unavailable. This time Colin focused on bowl colouring and the production of exceptionally fine finishes.

He also went on to judge this year’s club competition. The club was very grateful to Colin for stepping in for both these tasks.

Colin Watson