Next Meetings / Events
February 20th
March 6th
March 20th
Set up from 11:00 – meeting from 12:00 – all cleared and tidied up by 15:00
See Calendar for the full list of meetings and demonstrations planned for 2025
Headlines from Meeting on February 6th
Since the last meeting several members have volunteered their support (and have helped in the search for a new home) – Rod, Lee, Gerry, Rog C & Roger M – thanks all
Mary has been doing a great job in checking out the possible venues but, as we expected, the issue has been our need for storage space and this has ruled out a significant number of possible locations.
At the moment, there are still some candidates which are being checked out further. By the next meeting we should be in a position to propose the preferred venue and have a view of the costs involved.
Headlines from Meeting on January 23rd
We have recently been informed that because the Hall is in need of some significant repairs, the Church are proposing to concentrate their activities in the main Church building and to dispose of the Hall. This means that we have to find another location. Further details have been distributed by email to club members.
The search is already underway for a new location but as time is pressing, it would be very helpful if all members could try and identify possible venues in their local areas or contacts into Community Halls, Church Halls etc they know of. Looking at where our membership actually live, the future venue would not need to be in the Wyke area. We should be considering locations more on the North side of Bradford. Please contact David, John or Mary with your thoughts and suggestions.
Headlines from Meeting on January 9th
The meeting was effectively cancelled as a result of the bad weather. Happy New Year!
Headlines from Meeting on December 19th – Christmas Lunch
No special notes except for a big thank you to David and John for putting on the Christmas Lunch.
Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Headlines from Meeting on December 12th
We had three visitors from Wilsden who are hoping to set up a ‘Shed’ there and wanted to take a look at what we do.
We have been able to sell some more surplus items – 2 four-prong centres, a face plate and a screw chuck which all came with the recently purchased lathe(s). We made £31.22 for these which is a useful addition to Club funds.
We now have new knock-out bars for the lathes, these are 25cm long which will cope with all needs. All the lathes will have one.
In January Steve J. will be standing down from his role as our ‘small tools’ man so we need to find a replacement. Any volunteer please let David B know asap.
The 2025 Calendar is now on the website and it shows the dates for the demonstrations (and the demonstrator) – thanks to Gerry and John for sorting this out.
This is our last Club meeting for 2024. The next Meeting will be 9th January 2025 so to all those Members not attending the Christmas Lunch we wish you a very Happy Christmas and a Great New Year!
For those who are coming to the Christmas Lunch – see you between 12-00 and 12-15 ! NOTE: in view of the lower number of Members we have decided NOT to have a raffle this year.
Headlines from Meeting on November 28th
Results of this year’s Annual Competition.
Some excellent pieces which gave our judge – Chris Parker – some difficulty in deciding
Beginners (4 entries)
Winner Roger Malinski
2nd John Mitchell
Intermediary (1 entry)
Winner Mel Elcock
Advanced (10 entries)
Winner Clifford Clarke
2nd Clifford Clarke
Bob Boyce (8 entries)
Winner Eric Mann
2nd Dennis Carr
The competition pieces can be found here
Headlines from Meeting on November 14th
We have sold the Record Lathe (on Ebay) for £275, because of the change in
Ebay’s terms this has meant that the full amount has been credited to Club funds
Our next meeting is the Demonstration from Chris Parker.
It is also the day for our Annual Competition! Each member is allowed 2 pieces of free choice and 2 in The Bob Boyce section as specified here
Our next meeting is November 28th, 11-45 for 12-00 Demo start
NOTE: would any member with a cup from last year please return at the next meeting
Headlines from Meeting on October 31st
As Members were notified, Audrey Hood will be taking the role of Club Treasurer.
We’re still working on the hand-over details but since, as Treasurer, Audrey will be an Officer of the Club we are proposing to make her an Honorary Member. There is nothing in our Constitution regarding the mechanism to do this , the ‘show of hands’ was 100% in favour so this will be implemented immediately.
Details and the booking form for the Christmas Lunch have been circulated – responses
ASAP please !
John R has circulated details of some tools for sale, these are on the front table for inspection.
– also there are some home-grown chillis from Mick – thanks to Mick !
Headlines from Meeting on October 17th
Timber pieces on the side table from Steve J – thanks to Steve!
Potential new Member Susan with us today.
We have an offer from Audrey (wife of Chris H) to take on the role of Club Treasurer which we are pleased to accept. Details of the ‘when’ yet to be determined.
The Christmas buffet has been booked and details will be circulated.
Finally a ‘word of caution’: last meeting John M. accidentally ran a castor on to his foot whilst clearing away. He was wearing trainers which resulted in quite severe bruising – Members are reminded that strong(er) shoes are the recommended footwear.
Headlines from Meeting on October 3rd
We were visited by Brian S. – who recently donated the timber – who brought long some examples of his work including some nice segmented work
A couple of pieces of timber from John R available on the front table – thanks to John!
We have completed out audit of Club Tools and have made up 3 complete sets which we will retain. John has circulated the details of the ’surplus’ ones which are available to Club Members at knock-down prices !
John has received from Dalman copies of their new catalogue – on the front table.
Headlines from Meeting on September 19th
On the front table we had:
- A mini lathe (suitable for pen making) donated by Robin McD
- A roll of twine donated by Mick
- Copies of the latest edition of AWGB ‘Revolutions’
To the side we had timber donated to the Club by Brian S. who lives locally and has now given up wood turning (he was not a member of OTC)
After a brief discussion it was agreed that the Xmas buffet last year gave us a satisfactory menu and that no changes were required. A price for this year on that basis will therefore be requested.
A request re tea money – can we just have British currency please , Euros seem to be regularly appearing !
There were 2 other matters for Member’s consideration/action
Members may remember from AGM’s that one of our key measures is that our Membership subs should cover our fixed expenses. Currently we require 23 Members to do this. Unfortunately over recent months we have lost a greater than expected number of members and we are now below the minimum- and likely to drop further before the end of the Club year,
This does NOT mean that we are in financial trouble as we have ensured that we have adequate financial resources BUT it is not a situation that can be allowed to continue.
There are 2 options: We recruit more members or we increase the subs – or a combination of both.
A second, and possibly more important, point is that there has not been anyone prepared to take on the role of Treasurer given that Mary has indicated that, after multiple years, she would like to relinquish the role.
The implication of this is that it would be equally difficult to fill the roles of Chairman or Secretary should these be vacated for any reason which would then render it somewhat difficult for the Club to continue to operate
Further discussion is obviously going to be required on both these topics!
Headlines from Meeting on September 5th
Members were reminded that if they are planning on going to the Stewart Furini demonstration at Huddersfield then should get their ticket(s) booked.
On the subject of tickets, advance sales for The Northern Power Tool Show – November 15 -17 are now open.
Dalman – who bought the business of Stiles &Bates – are about to produce their first Mail Order Catalogue. They have confirmed that anyone previously registered with S&B will receive a copy.
Albion Sawmills- north of Sheffield- are considering another event before Christmas- more information as and when available.
We’ve today tried a new video set up where we have a split screen and don’t switch between cameras. This is easier for Lee/Gerry and also seems to have given an acceptable result.
Christmas is not so far away so at our next meeting we’ll have an open discussion to agree on what we’ll ask the caterer to provide so please be ready to share your thoughts.
Headlines from Meeting on August 22nd
The new lathe has now been mounted on the stand previously used for the Record and has been checked out. Thanks to Eric – assisted by Clifford – for doing this and to John R for the transport from Eric’s and unpacking of the lathe.
The wooden tool crate is now no longer required and has gone.
We seem to have a lot of WoodTurning magazines so they were also for
disposal if unwanted (again – gone)
Roger M has donated for disposal a 6” 1” tool-post tool rest – £5 for Club funds ?
Our next meeting (on 5th September) is a Demonstration by Dan Smith of Taylor’s of Mirfield – see here for his background.
Headlines from Meeting on August 8th
At the recent Great Yorkshire Show, Clifford was awarded a Silver Medal, congratulations to Clifford for a well deserved medal for a superb piece – which can be seen here.
We now have ordered and taken delivery of the new Axminster lathe, thanks to Mary for organising the purchase and especially to Eric for having it delivered to his house where it is currently stored. We hope to have it installed on the stand previously used for the Record, before our next meeting.
We also took advantage of the Turner’s Retreat sale to source a SuperNova chuck. The jaw screws have been changed from the Torx type now supplied to hex type so that all our chucks have the same type of screws.
As part of our review of our video equipment we have decided that the DVD player/recorder is now not now required and so if any member is interested then £10 for Club funds (?) nb: no interest at the meeting but if anyone not there is interested then contact David before Thursday 15th.
Details were recently circulated re the invitation from Huddersfield Club for our members to attend the whole day demonstration by Stuart Furini, for £10. This is a bargain day with an excellent demonstrator and it is highly commended.
So far we have had no interest shown in taking on the role of Treasurer for our Club. I must repeat that Mary IS standing down and we need a replacement, without a replacement the Club only has 2 Officers and thus would not meet the requirements of our Constitution bringing into question the future of the Club.
Headlines from Meeting on July 25th
There were no notices for the meeting.
Headlines from Meeting on July 11th
There are still a few pieces in the store which were in the display we did for the Church Anniversary. Would the owners collect please.
We now have the details for this year’s Bob Boyce competition -> here.
A reminder to Members paying 6 – monthly that their subs are now due – and should please cover 9 months this time as per last ‘notes’
So far we don’t have a volunteer to take over the role of Treasurer. It is essential that we fill this role or it puts the future of the Club in doubt.
Headlines from Meeting on June 27th
Tickets for the Harrogate show are now on sale.
On the front table a number of containers of stains and finishes donated to the Club by Old Hand Tools of Grantham.
A couple of ‘Best Wishes’ to Members for a speedy recovery: John B. is in hospital with a fractured femur and Dave J. is about to have an eye operation.
Half-yearly subs payments are now due. As previously mentioned it would be very much appreciated if Members paying this way would make this payment to cover 9 months rather than the usual 6 months as this will then move their renewal date in line with the Club Financial Year which will make the accounts easier.
Headlines from Meeting on June 13th
Many thanks to our Secretary John R for the speedy production and distribution of the AGM Minutes – maintaining the tradition of OTC that we get the Minutes out right after the AGM and not a year on just before the next one!
The buffet has been booked with North’s SK (as last2 years). Details to be finalised but it’s in their diary.
Headlines from Annual General Meeting on May 30th
Copies of the minutes have been circulated to members. Some key points are:
- Club finances remain sound – no change in subs
- Tea Money stays as is – but with reduction in number of cakes!
- Agreed to stay with 3 demonstrators per year – one booked already for 2025.
- Christmas Lunch will be in Church Hall – as per last 2 years.
- Decision to replace last Record lathe with an Axminster.
- Video set up under review – kit and room layout – needs sorting prior to next demonstration which is in September.
Headlines from Meeting May 16th
The Church ‘event’ went well and our display was much appreciated. Thanks
to all who loaned pieces.
We have had a contact from a chap at Wakefield Council who is responsible for general tree maintenance and work in the Council Area. They have a sawmill (but not a kiln) and can supply timber. It would seem that a visit to their site is a possibility – with the opportunity to buy timber,
After some brief discussion regarding interest it was agreed the John would follow up the contact with a view to arranging a visit.
Our next meeting will be our AGM. An agenda will be sent out in advance but there will be 3 items in the AOB (probably more as well !) which Members will be asked to consider:
i) Should we replace our one remaining Record lathe?
ii) Should we increase the ‘tea money’ ?
iii) as previously mentioned we will soon be reviewing our video equipment. Member’s input on preferred display type(s) and positioning is invited.
Headlines from Meeting May 2nd
Thank you to all the Members who brought pieces in for the display for the Church’s 200th Anniversary, we will certainly have an excellent display with a wide range of pieces.
The ‘flyer’ below gives details of the event. Any Members who may wish to call in are sure to be welcomed.

Headlines from Meeting April 18th
Following the discussion last meeting regarding the Pat Carroll demonstration, we contacted Huddersfield to say that we would support anything they did but would probably not want to do a demonstration for our Club. They will keep us informed on any plans.
Would members please bring any pieces they are prepared to loan for the Church Anniversary ‘event’ to our meeting on 2nd May so we can put our display together.
Footnote: members who were present at this meeting will be aware that we had a video equipment failure and were unable to show images. We’ve had a brief chat about this and are going to do a full review of both our equipment and how we display the images. We’ll report to members when this has been done.
Headlines from Meeting April 4th
We’ve produced draft display panels for the Church Anniversary display and these were at the side of the hall – any comments welcome.
The event is Saturday 11th May so pieces for display should be brought to the Meeting of 2nd May please. Reminder again next Meeting!
We’ve had a contact from Huddersfield who are investigating the possibility of bringing Pat Carroll over from Ireland to demonstrate. The suggestion is that he would do demonstrations at several Clubs who would then share the travel expenses between them. Whilst the demonstration fee is not unreasonable for an International standard demonstrator when our share of the expenses is added, the bill will be significantly more than we would normally budget.
A lively discussion ensued! The key questions raised were a) what would the demonstration cover and b) what would our learning be. Without making any commitment we’ll investigate more and report back.
Headlines from Meeting March 21st
John has circulated a note of a possible supplier of pen blanks etc
Thanks to Dave F. for bringing in some pieces of 6 X 4 softwood which Eric has cut down into lengths of 2 X2 so we now have a good supply of ‘practice’ pieces for spindle turning.
The Church Anniversary Event is now getting closer (mid-May) so an appeal to Members to consider if they have a piece they would be willing to loan for it. Whilst we will have a bowl or two something a little more unusual would be better.
John M. has rejoined us! Welcome back to John.
Headlines from Meeting March 7th
A couple of meetings ago a piece was left on a lathe (laburnum) now it can’t be found !! If anyone knows where it might be would they please let either Phil or Clifford know.
We now have new ‘name tags’ to be used with “Member’s Pieces’ These are Business Card sized and there are small plastic stands to put them in. Cards and stands are in a plastic box on the store room shelf.
Click here to have a look – much better than the old ones.
The latest edition of the AWGB magazine has arrived. Several copies on the front table.
Headlines from Meeting February 22nd
A potential new member, Jack, introduced to the group.
Mary has for sale a Foredom flexible shaft rotary tool – the ‘Rolls Royce’ of such
tools. Has both drilling and carving attachments and a selection of cutting/carving
tips. See Mary if interested.
Something to think about: Should we have some form of mentored training for new inexperienced members ?
We did have a ‘training manual’ some years ago but this has not been used for some
time and we tend to always look to Mick, Clifford or Eric to support new members. We’ll pick the point up again in the near future.
+++ not turning but of possible interest – and FREE !!
Clifton & Lighcliffe Brass Band have 2 events coming up which might be of interest
to Members. Both are at St Martin’s Church in Brighouse.
The first is next Tuesday 27th Feb at 7-30pm and is an open rehearsal for the Yorkshire
Area Qualifying Contest (for the National in Cheltenham later in the year)
The second is the Band’s annual event which was postponed from last December and is
now on Saturday 27th April at 2-30 pm. Good rousing brass-band stuff here with both the
main and ‘B’ bands taking part !!
Headlines from Meeting February 8th
Meeting shortened in view of the adverse weather
Following the discussion re Steb Centres at the last meeting, 2 new ones have been purchased. Actually ‘Crown’ centres from RDG Tools. Both M2, 1″ diameter, 1 live for tailstock use..
John has booked Chris Parker for our demonstration and annual competition on November 28th.
Headlines from Meeting January 25th
British Hardwoods are having their next Open Day on 3rd February.
Details for the Newark Show (8th & 9th March) have been circulated.
John has booked Dan Smith of Taylors of Mirfield for our September demonstration.
Some ‘flyers’ were available with details of Beverstock Ltd who are bandsaw blade suppliers.
A general discussion re Steb Centres and whether or not they should always have a sprung centre!! It was agreed that they should – although probably useable OK on softer woods without one. The Club centres will be checked and replaced as necessary (one has been found to not ‘spring’ which is what provoked the discussion.)
Headlines from Meeting January 11th
Following the Christmas lunch John R and David B did a review of what went well and what needs to be revised if we did the same again next year (e.g. making sure we could get both ovens to work !) Member comments were invited and the common comment was the problem with keeping the room at a constant temperature.
A ‘well in advance’ notice: the Church is having an event in May to mark a significant anniversary and we have been invited to have a small display. More to come but we’ll be looking for some display pieces.
Steve J has completed an inventory of our small tools – thanks to Steve for doing that. Over the next couple of meetings we’ll be checking over what we have or possibly need but if anyone has any thoughts of any small tools we don’t have but which would be useful please let Steve or David B know.
A reminder for any ‘6 monthly payer’ yet to pay their subs to get it to Mary asap.
John Mitchell has decided that he will concentrate on carving and so has left the Club .
Potential new member Dave introduced to Members.
British Hardwoods are having their next Open Day on 3rd February.
Headlines from Meeting December 14th
Lovely Xmas Lunch enjoyed by all. Big thanks from everyone to the ‘Star Team’ of David, John and June for arranging such a super feast. Especial thank you to June for making the Xmas cake, to Mick for organising the quiz and to Mary for running the raffle!
Have a very Merry Xmas, one and all. See you in the New Year!
Headlines from Meeting November 30th
Results of Club Competition judged by Rick Dobney
+++Rick did comment on the overall high standard so thanks to all who entered.
+++Certificates, cups – and cash at the Christmas lunch !!
Beginners – Doug Haigh Trophy
7 members in this category. 2 entries from 1 member. John Reilly thus took 1st and 2nd (note that Rick was not aware that they were both from John and assessed both pieces as of a good standard)
1st Sycamore Bowl
2nd Pen
Intermediates – Gerry Yates Trophy
2 members in this category. No entries
Advanced – John Boyle Trophy
16 members in this category. 15 entries from 8 members
1st Clifford Clarke with a Burr Elm Bowl
2nd Dennis Carr with a Cherry Bowl
Bob Boyce Trophy
All members (26) eligible. 10 entries from 6 members
1st Michael Watmough – Ash Bowl
2nd Clifford Clarke – Elm Bowl
Headlines from Meeting November 23rd
1) Live on Record Power this evening is Emma Cook – her demonstration is similar to the one she did for us on her last visit
2) Members were advised of the imminent closure of Stiles & Bates (although their wood blanks supply is being taken over by another company). It would seem from Member comment that they are selling out fast so if you were thinking of buying anything then don’t delay !
3) Our next meeting is a demonstration and our Annual Competition so any cup-holders please make sure to bring them to the next meeting.
4) We’ve sold off a few more surplus items and raised another £60 for Club funds
5) As for previous meetings a selection of magazines on the front table – ‘take-read-return’
6) Note that there is just one week to our next meeting as the date had to be advanced since the Church required the hall
Headlines from Meeting November 9th
1) Ebay selling of our surplus O&S have recently raised approx £60 for Club funds- and we have a few more things to dispose of!
2) John R has recently put together our 2024 Calendar. We had to amend our original plan to fit some requirements from the Church but we now have an agreed plan. We have been able to keep to our ‘every alternate week’ although it does mean that we have a meeting the week of the Great Yorkshire Show. Special thanks to John R for resolving the date conflicts with the Church. See here for 2024 Calendar
3) Christmas lunch details have been circulated, bookings not later than our next meeting please.
4) Selling the Nova chuck spanners on EBay has turned out to be not worth the effort! In the absence of any interest from Members the remainder are to go to scrap metal.
5) Wood Turning magazines on front table – usual, take-read-return
6) Not directly OTC business but a recent theft from a Member’s brother’s garage provokes the reminder to Members whose workshops are separate from their main residence to check their domestic insurance as usually separate buildings only have limited cover.
Headlines from Meeting October 26th
1) The replacement spindle locks have arrived so we now have a full complement. They cost us just over £10 each.
2) Members should have received the Minutes of the Committee meeting we held during the last meeting. When we revised the Constitution we put in the requirement to have a minimum of 2 ‘Formal’ meetings each year so this was the first – the last formal and minuted Committee meeting was 5/04/2016 !!
3) Members were reminded of the ‘Project Folder’ – which is a white binder about 2” thick and which is kept on the store-room shelf. This contains all the project drawings which were in the Training Manual(s) plus others including many donated by Paul Wheeler.
4) Wood Turning Magazines on the front table – as usual read-return
5) We now have the price for the Xmas lunch , we’ve rounded it up to £16 to give a little extra towards the soft drinks. A booking form will be circulated in the near future for return not later than 30th Nov meeting.
Headlines from Meeting October 12th
The Members sent their best wishes to Steve H for a speedy recovery.
It seems that we are missing 2 spindle lock pins – probably they got mixed up with shavings and ended up in the waste sack. Replacements are to be ordered from Axminster. Would Members please make sure the lock pins are in place when cleaning down.
John R has circulated an email regarding surplus tables available via Dave J.
A white stone grinding wheel available on the front table donated by Mick , £5 for Club funds – thank you to Mick.
After a brief discussion it was agreed that we will keep to the same overall menu as last year for the Christmas Lunch. David B will contact the caterer and get a confirmed price.
The minutes of the Committee meeting held today have been forwarded to Members by email. Copies are also available from the Hon. Secretary, John R.
Headlines from Meeting September 28th
Two potential members , Robin and Ian , were introduced.
There has been no response to the email re the silver ring which was found in the hall after our last meeting so it would seem that, in spite of the timing of it’s finding, it does not belong to any of our members.
The band-saw is now fully operational – drive belt replaced and a new blade fitted. A special thanks to Eric for doing all the work.
Members should ensure that any visitors are aware of the Club Health & Safety guidelines (a copy now on the inside of the store-room door) and also that the Club Insurance does not cover personal accidents – not paranoia on the part of the Committee just a prudent move after a couple of incidents at other clubs.
The two thin edged bowls which Ian turned in the last demo were shown to illustrate the amount of ‘warp’ they had exhibited on drying out.
Robin is looking for some sycamore to make some honey dippers for charity shop sale – anything better than ½” diameter by 3” long appreciated.
We have now had printed some Club ‘Business Cards’ with our location, website and email address details. These will be taken to shows such as the Power Tool or Great Yorkshire Shows where casual conversation sparks an interest in the Club.
The unused Wickes folding workbench offered for sale created considerable interest – and a very rapid sale!
Headlines from Meeting September 14th
No Parish Notes this time round.
A good demonstration session from Ian Clarkson – thanks to John R for arranging it and to Gerry & Lee for the video work.
A special shout out for Eric who forwent watching the demonstration and spent the whole session in the storeroom fixing the Band Saw. What a star!
Headlines from Meeting August 31st
At the request of the Church, we have had to reschedule our December Demonstration and the Annual Competition as the Hall is required for the 2023 Christmas Food and Toy Bank. Fortunately John R. has been able to contact our demonstrator, Rick Dobney, and he has agreed to the date change – special thanks to John for sorting this out so quickly.
Frank J. visited the meeting bringing with him his tools for sale – post meeting note: we have had a very nice ‘Thank you’ email from Frank expressing his appreciation .
The LED batten light under the shelf in the store room is at long last operational and has proved to give a much improved light to the lower shelves.
It seems that the AWGB have made a bit of a muddle of amending John R’s address – which is why we have not been receiving the ‘Revolutions’ magazine. The problem now seems to be fixed and copies of the latest edition are on the front table.
Also on the front table are assorted editions of ‘Wood Turning’ magazine – ‘Take-read-return’ !
The band-saw is temporarily out of action with a snapped drive belt. A new belt is on order and Eric is in the process of cleaning the saw ready to fit it.
Headlines from Meeting August 17th
We have recently re-done our ‘General Working Practices and Health & Safety’ notes – big thanks
to Gerry for working on them. We’ve also added a list of woods with their toxic properties based (with acknowledgement to Orchard WoodTurners in Sittingbourne).
We will be instituting a ‘Visitor’s Book’ to confirm that any visitors have been made aware
of the H&S position – details to follow when sorted.
The ‘U-tube videos at lunchtime’ has not been forgotten and we’ll start that when the weather
is such that sitting outside will not be an option. If any Members come across and clips outside
the better known ones please let David B know and we can add them to the ‘viewing list’
More veg on the front table thanks to Mick !
There is a ‘Vintage Hand Tool’ event at Carlton Scroop (near Newark) on 14th October, bit of a long drive just for that but worth dropping in if you are anywhere near – copy of flyer here.
As mentioned at the AGM, we are monitoring the cost vs income for the lunch break as the
significant increases in food costs have obviously had an effect. ‘Year to Date’ our costs are
slightly ahead of income. After some discussion it was agreed that, for the moment, we’ll keep
to the £1 but slightly reduce the quantities . We’ll keep it under review and report back in a
few months.
Headlines from Meeting August 3rd
Thanks to Mick for various woodturning magazines and the home grown runner beans!
We are in the process of updating the Club Health & Safety Policy document and this will be circulated to Members. In particular we need to confirm our strategy with regard to Visitors.
Robin is looking for designs/patterns for chess pieces. If anyone can help please contact him direct.
We were very pleased to welcome, as a guest, former member Frank J. Frank has decided to stop woodturning and will be disposing of all his tools and equipment. He will be sending a list and this will be circulated to Members.
The Bob Boyce Trophy. This year the criteria are:
A decorated bowl.
No restrictions on the ‘how’ it is decorated- painted, pyro, carved, inlaid, anything you want!
Dimensions to be: Diameter min 6” max 12”. Height min 2” max 6”
Any questions or clarification required please ask.
Headlines from Meeting July 20th
The final ‘admin’ task from the revised Constitution is that a new form has been created for Officers and Committee members to confirm their acceptance of their role and that they will act in the interests of the Club. John R is in the process of getting these signed. We are now thus following the Constitution requirements for this – which we have been adrift on in the past.
Noted that David B emails to members with gmail addresses may come from ‘iCloud’ rather than the usual ‘Rosemeade’. This is because of an on-going problem with the server – emails from iCloud are thus ‘legitimate’.
The email survey re Workshop visits (last ‘Parish Notes’) has been circulated and some replies received. No reply by Friday 28th will be taken as a ‘no’.
At the Great Yorkshire Show last week Clifford took a 2nd and Mick a 4th – congratulations to both!! (See here for an image of Clifford’s piece).
The topic for this year’s Bob Boyce competition is under consideration and will be announced either next meeting or the one following.
Headlines from Meeting July 6th
**** Extracted from 150th edition of our ‘Parish Notes’ **** (well done, David!)
We have now resolved the minor technical issues with showing U-tube videos via the Church projection system. From a quick ‘show of hands’ it seems that many Members already watch a variety of U-tube Woodturning Channels so we’ll look for more unusual ones with a view to a trial ‘showing’
A reminder to Members who pay 6 monthly that there subs are now due.
The revised Constitution is now signed and in effect.
John R has circulated information re Taylors and wood available from Wakefield Council – thanks to John for that.
Another ‘show of hands’ suggested a limited interest in workshop visits. We’ll do a separate (email) survey on this to decide on the way forward.
Headlines from Meeting June 22nd
The Worshipful Company of Turners have recently announced their biennial Competition, the entries deadline is 18th September. The competition is held in London but with entries nationwide. David B expressed the view that, based on a visit to a previous Exhibition/Competition, we have several members whose work is at least as good as much of that shown. Details of the entry process available from David B if anyone is interested.
Roger M informed members that Sheffield Woodturning Club have an all-day demo day with Gary Rance this coming Saturday 24th June. Full details on their Club website:
Whilst the hot weather persists and provokes more ‘relaxed’ dress code(!!), it was suggested that Members avoid wearing shorts or ‘cut-off’ trousers as , should a chisel fall off the lathe stand, legs are unprotected.
David B and John R are experimenting to see if it is practical to show U-tube demonstrations at meetings possibly over or following lunchtime. This would be in addition to our current Demonstrator programme.
A short EGM was included within the meeting at which the revised Constitution was adopted. The relevant documents can be found here.
Headlines from Meeting June 8th
The Minutes of the recent AGM have been circulated.
The Notice of the EGM to discuss the revised Constitution has been circulated and will be held during the lunchtime break at our next meeting. It is not expected to take very long.
Following confirmation that we will have our Xmas lunch in the Church Hall, the suggestion re plastic plates was followed up. As from October this year the use of disposable plastic ‘crockery’ is no longer allowed in the UK. Having given the matter some more thought it would seem that having a better ‘clearing’ system coupled with the fact that the Church have confirmed that we can take the crockery away and do it in a dish-washer would seem to have largely solved the problem.
Mary advises that for those members who pay 6 months in advance that the next payment is due the end of June.
Frank has now resigned as a Member. Brian and Peter are both deemed to have stepped down too.
A possible new Member, John Mitchell, was introduced to the Club. He’ll likely be with us the next meeting so please say ‘Hello’ if you haven’t already.
Headlines from Annual General Meeting May 25th
Thanks to all who attended the AGM and for your active participation.
The Minutes are in preparation and will be circulated.
There were three ‘action’ items: Revised Constitution, Xmas Lunch and Workshop Visits and these will be progressed as agreed.
Headlines from Meeting May 11th
A while ago we mentioned that we were looking to perhaps share with Huddersfield in having Terry Smart of Chestnut come up and do demonstrations for both Clubs. Terry has suggested that he could perhaps do an on-line demo. After consideration, we have declined the offer.
The next meeting is our AGM . We are proposing to have a pie and pea lunch after the AGM so members will be contacted a week or so before hand to establish who is/not attending so that the appropriate number of pies can be obtained.
Headlines from Meeting April 27th
No particular headlines this week.
Headlines from Meeting April 13th
No ‘Parish Notes’ for this week due to unforeseen circumstances.
John had circulated a note about the jars which Eric has offered- please reply to John re those.
Headlines from Meeting March 30th
Eric has successfully re-sharpened the problem 2” Forstner bit so, for the moment at least, we don’t need to buy a replacement. Special thanks to Eric for doing this.
As a result of our on-going (re)organisation of the storage area we have a surplus of ‘worm screws’ and 3” Axminster faceplates – available to members at knockdown prices – see David B if interested.
During set-up for the meeting, we had an unfortunate incident where a lathe tipped over whilst being brought out of the kitchen area. A very swift intervention by another member stopped the lathe going over completely but even so severe bruising, requiring a visit to A&E, resulted.
To repeat an earlier message therefore: when moving lathes, there MUST at all times be 2 members, one at each end, to ensure that the tipping danger is minimised.
Headlines from Meeting March 16th
The recent Insurance renewal has provoked us into looking at our AWGB membership. It would seem that very few of us are AWGB members. We will continue to investigate the benefits of the Club being an Associate Member.
The Church has a new Wi-fi router. The log in details will be displayed on the inside of the storage room door.
The 6” face-plate has now arrived and is on the storage screw below the smaller ones at the rear of the new shelf – we continue to develop our new storage area(s)
The 2 Record Large Bowl Turning attachments and another face-plate have been sold on Ebay for the benefit of Club funds.
After some discussion re the 2” Forstner bit it was agreed that Eric will try re-sharpening it and if this fails we will buy a new one – single bit not a full set.
Headlines from Meeting March 2nd
To follow on from last meeting’s note re ‘Safety,’ John R noticed an article in the Huddersfield Examiner re a person who died as a result of being struck by a piece coming off a lathe
NOTE: the latest Newsletter from Chestnut Products has a section on the same theme but quotes 2 deaths and a nasty injury – and advocates the use of face shields
Two long coats donated by Roger on the front table, no takers today and they will be going.
Eric and Clifford are making good progress on the storage area. The toolbox and faceplate mountings are now in place.
Just a reminder: the Newark Show is next Friday and Saturday (10th & 11th).
Headlines from Meeting February 16th
Big thank you to Eric and Clifford who are still making good progress with the new shelving in the storeroom.
Last meeting we had a near-accident with an out-of-balance piece causing a lathe to really jump around as a result of the lathe being started with the speed set quite high. Fortunately there were no injuries and no damage but it serves as a reminder that it is good practice to always turn the speed control back to zero when stopping the lathe and absolutely essential to start from stationary with any piece which is likely to be out of balance.
Late News: John has arranged for Ian Clarkson to be our Demonstrator for the session on 14th September.
Headlines from Meeting February 2nd
Eric and Clifford are making good progress with the new shelving in the storeroom. We’ll continue with the re-arrangement of the storage area over the coming weeks.
A further 4-prong centre has been sold on Ebay for the benefit of Club funds
We have decided to reduce the number of sets of ‘Club’ tools and the surplus ones are available to Members at £8 each
We’re very pleased to confirm that both Philip Bastey and Roger Malinski have now joined the Club – welcome to both
A smock and full length coat donated by Roger are available on the front table
The front door to the Hall is currently not useable – access has to be by the side or back door
John R circulated the news of Snainton’s closing down at the end of March. It was observed that they have been significant sponsors at the Harrogate show in the past.
John has also added the latest Stiles & Bates catalogue to the bookshelf.
Headlines from Meeting January 19th
The 6” faceplate is out of stock at RDG at the moment so arrival delayed – Axminster have them but much more expensive so we’ll wait.
British Hardwoods open day on 4th February is 10-00 to 16-00.
If anyone has any old garden shears they no longer need then Phillip would appreciate them as he’s creating a metal sculpture of a vulture and the old blades make ideal feathers.
Headlines from Meeting January 12th
The Christmas Buffet was widely thought to have been a great success and Members were well satisfied with the food quantity and quality. Overall the organisation worked very well – some tweaks for a next time – may be less ‘pastry’ items and we need to give some thought to a better way of clearing up and washing up. The Members gave a resounding vote of thanks to David and John R for all their hard work in putting on a great event, for Carole and Robin for providing the Xmas cake and a special mention for John R who proved to be a star ‘washer up’ as well !!
The price to Members for the buffet was the same as the bought-in cost but the Raffle was well supported and this covered all the ‘extras’ – soft drinks, cake and cheese, gifts for Carole and Robin etc etc. We finished with a small surplus.
The Cups, Certificates – and cash prizes ! – were presented to Steve H and Roger who were not at the Buffet
After some discussion it was agreed that we would purchase a 6” faceplate (M33 X 3.5)
John R has now arranged for the December Demonstration , Rick Dobney will do the demonstration and judging for us (as planned for 2022).
The next British Hardwoods open day is Saturday 4th February – times to be confirmed.
The Midlands Woodworking show has been confirmed as 10/11th March (Friday and Saturday) 10-00 until 16-00 both days
We have sold 2 of the surplus 4-prong drives on Ebay for Club funds
Headlines from Meeting December 15th
Today’s focus was on the Xmas lunch and the presentation of Awards.
Massive thank you to David assisted by John and others for putting on such an excellent feast. Everyone enjoyed themselves in a very relaxed atmosphere with plenty of food – and even a takeaway service at the end.
Thanks to Mick for his Xmas quiz and cracker jokes.
Many thanks to Carole and Robin for all their help throughout the year.
Congratulations to Robin on a fantastic performance raising over £2,500 for charity through Reindeer, Coffee jar lights and many more ideas over the year.
Headlines from Meeting December 1st
With the unfortunate news on Monday morning that our scheduled Demonstrator was ill and unable to come John R did some speedy work and we were very pleased to be able to get Colin Watson to both demonstrate and judge the competition
Xmas lunch bookings now complete. There will be 25 of us for the buffet on 15th December. David B will email confirmation of times etc in the week of the lunch
The surplus Record faceplates which were in the cupboard have been listed on Ebay and so far one has sold bringing £23 for Club Funds. The cupboard raised £10.
We have 2 Record Bowl Outrigger units which will also be sold. They are still available new at £110 + delivery so will hopefully bring us a reasonable sum.
Note: if any member with a Record lathe is interested in either a faceplate or one of the Outriggers – they fit CL3 or CL4 – let David B know ASAP for a special deal!
Results of 2022 Club Competition
Bob Boyce Trophy
Winner Paul Wheeler
Second Rod Dinsdale
Doug Haig Trophy for Beginners
No entries received
Gerry Yates Trophy – Intermediate
Winner Roger Campbell
Second Dennis Carr
John Boyle – Advanced
Winner Stephen Hartley
Second Clifford Clarke
Link to results from earlier years here
Headlines from Meeting November 24th
The Harrogate Show seemed to go well – most members attending seemed to have exceeded their planned spending!
Terry Smart of Chestnut Products was asked about doing a demo for us. He is booked all of 2023 but would be willing to come to Wyke. We will check with Huddersfield Club and see if they are interested in making it a 2-demo trip for efficiency.
Chestnut also announced the date for their ‘Woodturning Weekender 4’ which will be 5th & 6th August and will be at Heywood Civic Centre. More details when available – or register on to get them direct.
The Church have asked if we could move our 5th January meeting. We agreed to move this to 12th January and to leave the rest of the schedule as is.
Reminder that the last date for booking for the Christmas Buffet is at next week’s meeting.
Would the competition winners from last year please bring the trophies back next week.
Next meeting on 1 Dec:
Demonstration by Rick Dobney* starting at 12-00
Also Annual Club Competition – to be judged by Rick*
It would be appreciated if entries could be brought in for 11-30 so as not to impact the demonstration.
* Late News Rick Dobney is unexpectedly unavailable. Colin Watson has stepped up in his place.
Headlines from Meeting November 10th
John R has completed the Calendar for 2023. This has been circulated and the website updated.
The Reindeer for the Church are now all complete – 21 in total – thanks to Robin, assisted by Lee making components and other elves helping with the assembly.
It was agreed that Terry Smart of Chestnut Products should be contacted (may be at the Harrogate Show) about doing a possible demonstration next year.
Just to confirm the rules for for our Christmas competition:
Members can enter 2 pieces of any style or type into the ‘general’ competition and a further 2 pieces into the Bob Boyce competition. More details can be found here
Headlines from Meeting October 27th
The sounds of hammering coming from the kitchen area today have been Robin and helpers assembling the Reindeer which we are making for the Church Christmas fair !
Details – with a booking slip – for our Christmas Buffet have been circulated. An early return would be appreciated
John R has been sorting out next year’s Meeting dates and the schedule will be circulated soon. We are arranging NOT to have a meeting the week of the Great Yorkshire Show.
The first demo is planned for 27th April. This will be from Andy James. He’s from between Newark and Sheffield and new to demonstrating in our area.
Headlines from Meeting October 13th
We have confirmed a caterer for our Christmas buffet (North’s SK from Commercial Street Brighouse) The price will be £13/head and details and a booking form will be circulated before the next meeting. After some discussion it was decided that we will have soft drinks only with the buffet.
The Record lathe sold on Ebay and, after Ebay/Paypal deductions, the Club got £326.70. The deductions were higher than hoped for because of the lathe not selling under the reduced fee offer.
The meeting after next (i.e. 10th November) we plan on taking out the steel cupboard from the store-room in preparation for installing the shelves. Anyone interested in the cupboard please let David B know at the next meeting.
John R has recently circulated a note from Taylor’s of Mirfield confirming that they are now stockists of Axminster chucks and accessories (note that, for the moment, it does seem to be chucks and accessories only not the full Axminster range)
Headlines from Meeting September 29th
The surplus books remaining after today’s meeting will be disposed of.
Next on our ‘Clear out’ agenda are DVD’s ! We have quite a few, some of them are Club-produced ones of Demonstrations at the Club and some seem to be (probably illicit) copies of Commercially produced ones. They haven’t ‘seen the light of day’ for several years so time they were gone. Available on the side table this meeting and next. Take any you want – small donation appreciated
The Record lathe is again listed on Ebay – this time at £385. There has been some interest including one person who doesn’t want the stand. We agreed to offer £25 reduction without it
Note: the Auction ended without a bid so will reduce the price slightly and make it open to offers
Headlines from Meeting September 15th
New caterer found for our Christmas buffet on 15th December. David is working through settling the menu with Tony Ellis the owner of North’s SK on Commercial Street in Brighouse.
We’ve recently done a review of the books we had in our library and have ‘weeded out’ the ones which aren’t really directly connected to woodturning. John has updated the list in the loan book and Gerry has done the list on the website. The surplus books are available for any member who wants them – a £1 donation for Club funds please !
The Record lathe has yet to be relisted on Ebay – awaiting a good opportunity.
Headlines from Meeting September 1st
The lady who was going to do the catering for our Christmas buffet has now said the she can no longer do anything other that a cold buffet which she would have to deliver before 10-00. After a short discussion we agreed that we’d find another caterer.
Mary’s perseverance in trying to arrange for our Bank Account to allow online access has succeeded – and also netted a notable amount from the Bank to the club as compensation for their poor service. Well done, Mary!!
The surplus Record lathe has been listed on Ebay but no takers at the asking or at the relisted price. Will be relisted after a pause.
The spec for this year’s Bob Boyce competition is as below – we’ve gone for a different approach to the competition this year:
Bob Boyce Trophy 2022
The piece this year is to be offset/ multi axis turned
The only restriction is that the maximum dimension , either height or width – is 30cm
Other than that Members are free to choose either ‘spindle’ or ‘bowl’ orientation – or a mixture !!
Any wood , single or multi-piece
The objective is to demonstrate both skill and imagination in the entry
Fascinating demonstration from Colin Watson aka The Crazy Woodman, of making Basket Illusion bowls and platters – a technique involving turning, pyrography and colouring that seems to require immense patience, accuracy and either good eyesight or a strong light and serious glasses!
Headlines from Meeting August 18th
December Demonstration and Competition Day moved to December 1st at the request of the Church to allow them to run their Christmas Food bank and family support week.
The Record lathe has now been listed on Ebay (taking advantage of a reduced fees offer).
Over the past couple of weeks John R has circulated details of:
Harrogate Show
Snainton Record sale promotion
Taylors Mirfield abrasive promotion
Roger said we can’t get the lathes out – the ceiling’s come down ………
Headlines from Meeting August 4th
All quiet – no special notices this meeting
Headlines from Meeting July 21st
The new lathe, and ancillaries, were delivered as planned. The lathe has been mounted on the stand made by Eric (very many thanks to Eric) and will now replace the long-bed Record. The Record will be sold on Ebay at the next opportunity.
We have booked a caterer for the Christmas Buffet. This is a lady who has done buffets at Wooldale so is known to some of us (Steve H, Mel and David B). Details of proposed menu and cost have been emailed to members.
After 11 years of membership Colin B has decided to resign from the Club. Colin has been a great member and will be missed. He was one of the key people with the Audio Visual equipment so we’ll be looking for a replacement ! He was also on the Appeals Committee.
As a Club we did very well at the Great Yorkshire Show, with Eric, Steve H and Clifford taking 3 of the 5 Woodturning prizes plus Steve H and June Harding also winning awards in the Woodcarving section. Congratulations to all!
Headlines from Meeting July 7th
The new lathe is to be ordered next week and will be brought to the Club for the next meeting (21st July). Eric has completed the stand for it and that will be here at the same time.The bed extension is being ordered at the same time as the lathe and a check has confirmed that it will fit all of our Axminster lathes.
Rationalisation of Morse 1 accessories underway now we have only one lathe with M1 tailstock.
Some Woodturning magazines on the front courtesy of Mick. Also some tools and abrasives also from Mick (Thanks !) – donations to Club funds
Reminder re subs: anyone paying by ‘6 months in advance’ who hasn’t yet paid please do so ASAP.
Headlines from Meeting June 23rd
Confirmation that the Xmas lunch will be a buffet in the Church Hall on 15th December, no decision yet on whether we will use an outside caterer or if we will do it ourselves.
John R has recently circulated details of:
Taylor’s of Mirfield Open Day on 16th July 09-30 to 16-00
Northern Woodworking Show Friday 11th to Sunday 13th November
Eric has completed the stand for the new lathe, we plan on ordering the lathe in the near future (probably for delivery Meeting of 21st July)
Note re Subs: for those who pay by cheque 6 months in advance the next payment is due at the next meeting – July 7th
Update re Christmas Lunch
Following discussions at the 9th June meeting, consensus seems to be to have a buffet lunch in the Church Hall. In line with the Church’s rules this would have to be a non-alcoholic event. Actual date in December to be confirmed.
Reminder about Christmas Lunch decision
Following up the discussion at the AGM and David’s email about the Christmas Lunch this year, we need to decide which option we want to follow. Decision date is set for not later than the next meeting ie 9th June. If you want to let David know sooner than that, by email, that would help.
The options are:
A – no Christmas lunch
B – Guide Post Hotel, Poppy Suite, format as for last year(s)
C – Buffet lunch in the Church Hall. Possibly using outside caterers
Note: If you would not plan on attending then please indicate ‘A’ – none , so that we don’t end up with choosing an option that is thought to be the best option but which few attend !
Demonstrators confirmed for 2022
Update from John on the remaining demonstration meetings for this year:
1st September – Colin Watson (crazy woodman)
8th December – Rick Dobney will be demonstrating and will also judge the annual competition.
Thanks to John for arranging these.
Headlines from Meeting May 5th
A warm welcome to new member Chris.
Our next meeting is the AGM which will start at 12:00.
The current list of items under AOB is:
1 Decision on new lathe
2 The Christmas Lunch arrangements
3 Club competitions
We’ll be having a pie-and-pea lunch so please confirm by Saturday 14th if you are coming to the AGM so we know how many pies to get !
Headlines from Meeting April 21st
David has circulated a recommendation paper for the new lathe. We should decide on this on or before the AGM on May 19th.
Thanks to Frank for bringing in some yew logs for sale to members in aid of club funds.
Reminder that the closing date for the Yorkshire Show – entry forms must be in to the show organisers before May 3rd. Entry information here (best viewed on PC).
For information – Doncaster Woodturning Club is doing an All-day Event on July 23rd which will be a double hander with Emma Cook (The Tiny Turner) and Rick Dobney. The event will be held in Finningley Village Hall (DN9 3DA) and will run from 10.00am to 4.00pm. A buffet lunch is included in the ticket price of £10. Tea and coffee will also be available all day.
Headlines from Meeting April 7th
A reminder that it is the British Hardwoods open day THIS SATURDAY – April 9th
The AGM will be on May 19th. We plan on providing lunch – almost certainly pie and peas – so we’ll be checking for numbers nearer the time
Headlines from Meeting March 24th
David’s note re reaction between Superglue and foam was sent to Chestnut Products – and was included in their weekly Newsletter –
Thanks to John B’s exceptional efforts we are very grateful to have received a further grant from the Masonic Charity which will allow us to replace one of the last two Record lathes with a new Axminster lathe.
Headlines from Meeting March 10th
John R has confirmed our Demonstrator for April 21st will be Pete Osborn.
Because of the April demonstration, the AGM will be postponed to probably the end of May.
Headlines from Meeting February 24th
Point for consideration and further discussion: should we have a mid-year competition? No change to the Annual Competition(s) but something to work for mid-year.
FYI : British Hardwoods have an Open Day on Saturday 9th April starting at
Headlines from Meeting February 10th
The new website is up and running on the old address “” which is the one we will maintain going forward. Any links to the “.com” version should now be deleted. Thanks to Roger and Gerry for setting the new format up and of course very many thanks to Peter for all his work over the last 5 years in building up the old site and the wealth of pictures we now have transferred over.
We have been asked by Stanbury Village School if we would again assist with the ‘Wizarding School’ they are planning to hold in June. Suggestion is we make them some wizard wands as before. Discussions ongoing.
Headlines from Meeting January 27th
New Axminster lathe is a now fully commissioned and ready to use.
Following the decision to move our financial year end to 31st March, the AGM will be scheduled for a date to be advised in late April or early May.
Covid Precautions
Our Covid approach is:
a) All attendees must have had all available ‘jabs’ (at least 3) and be free of any symptoms
b) Anyone with symptoms or who has tested positively should follow Government Guidance
c) We will attempt to let in as much fresh air as possible during our meetings
d) Wearing a face mask or face covering is a personal choice
FYI: As of 1st April, in general, Lateral Flow Test Kits are no longer provided free of charge by the NHS. Exceptions do exist and those eligible are made aware directly by the NHS. Lateral Flow Test Kits can be purchased at some pharmacies and retailers, in person or online.